FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dave Anderson Flying Monkey Software 8424 Todd Creek Cr. West Chester, OH 45069 513-865-6800 x6087 Day 513-779-6489 Evening FLYING MONKEY SOFTWARE ANNOUNCES THUMBNAIL 1.1: IMPROVEMENTS ON THE BIT-PER-CHARACTER ASCII FILE VIEWER AND SEARCHER WEST CHESTER, Ohio, December 14, 1994 -- Flying Monkey Software announces ThumbNail 1.1, an upgrade to the application for NEXTSTEP developers which provides a quick bit-per-character view of an ascii file, including searching and highlighting, with direct access to the NeXT Edit application. It's faster. Display bugs are fixed. You can select the type of files you want to ThumbNail. Better feedback is produced. The defaults are cleaner. It's the simplest tool for tooling around in code at high altitude, expecially with it's search, weed-out, and go straight to Edit mechanisms. ThumbNail 1.1, high-altitude ascii file browsing $35.00 Free electronic upgrades. Media and shipping cost for diskette upgrades. (Those of you who net-ordered ThumbNail 1.0 will be getting your upgrades today! - If you diskette-ordered, you'll hear by email...) To see what else the Monkeys have been up to, surf over to our site on the web... htmld/index.html A demo of the application, which'll only open files that begin with "Y" is available... If you don't have www access yet, we'll send you an email copy of the Flying Monkey Software Catalog directly, in rtf or postscript. (Rtf is default, otherwise you'll get postscript. Ask for what you want.) Flying Monkey Software provides object, application, graphic design, and shareware services to the NEXTSTEP community. The monkeys have been flying software for more than twenty years, and exits soley on a diet of code and flying bananas. Our credo is satisfaction guaranteed: all Flying Monkey products will work - or we'll fix them for free. We'll also extend them for requesting customers on a contractual basis. What - you've never heard of flying bananas? NEXTSTEP is a registered trademark of NeXT Computer, Inc. ThumbNail 1.1 is an application for NEXTSTEP from Flying Monkey Software. And bananas really do fly in bunches.